- Let's Ride -

'Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of riding a bike'.  JFK 


John F Kennedy made a number of great speeches in his life, but these simple words really resonated with me.  The bicycle, whether it is a $10,000 carbon fibre road bike or a hand-me-down kids' bike has the ability to provide the user with a very simple but immensely rewarding experience.  As children, most or us were fortunate to learn to ride a bike and from that point on, freedom was ours.   No more waiting for your parents to drive you to your friend's house.  Going to the store for a loaf of bread was now an adventure, not a chore.  The world suddenly seemed to be much smaller, and similarly we too were suddenly bigger and ready to take on anything.  


Then, for most of us, something happened.  That beloved bicycle started collecting dust in the shed.  Two wheels were traded in for four and the 'simple pleasure of riding a bike' became lost along the way.  For most people the joy of cycling remains a faded childhood memory, but for the lucky minority (me and hopefully you) that childhood love affair with the bicycle has been rekindled.

In 1993 I discovered the new sport of mountain biking and I caught the cycling bug.  I couldn't get enough; mountain, road, track, cyclocross, I tried it all.  Over the past twenty years I have spent countless hours on the bike: training, racing, commuting, coaching and riding with friends and family.  During that time, my bikes have occasionally been put aside for family, work and life commitments but they have never had the chance to collect too much dust.  The bicycle has continued to play a large part in my life and has now cumulated in the creation of Momentum Cycling. 

Gran Fondos, charity rides, mountain bike stage races and increased access to great trails are some of the reasons that there has be a recent rise in the popularity of cycling.  I want to see the 'cycling revolution' continue to grow and for riders to gain the skills, fitness and confidence to explore the world on two wheels.  Momentum Cycling has been created as a way to share our cycling experiences and knowledge with other cycling enthusiasts.

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Whether a recent convert to two wheels or you are a long time rider, Momentum Cycling is here to help get you to that next level.  If you are looking for a detailed training program for that big summer race or simply want to develop riding skills to help you beat your riding buddy next weekend, Momentum Cycling can help.

Take a look through our website - www.momentumcycling.ca - and review our services and programs.  Let us know if we can help you achieve your cycling goals.  

We look forward to riding with you, 


- Let's Ride-

p.s. Check back here for regular blog postings on all things cycling.  If you like what you read, then be sure to share it, 'like it' or leave a comment.  That way I will know that there are more people out there reading this blog than just my Mom.

Source: www.momentumcycling.ca