That first road ride of the year is always great. Climbing onto my lightweight and nimble steed is invigorating. Putting power into the pedals and feeling that immediate responsiveness and acceleration always puts a smile on my face.
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'Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of riding a bike'. JFK
John F Kennedy made a number of great speeches in his life, but these simple words really resonated with me. The bicycle, whether it is a $10,000 carbon fibre road bike or a hand-me-down kids' bike has the ability to provide the user with a very simple but immensely rewarding experience. As children, most or us were fortunate to learn to ride a bike and from that point on, freedom was ours. No more waiting for your parents to drive you to your friend's house. Going to the store for a loaf of bread was now an adventure, not a chore. The world suddenly seemed to be much smaller, and similarly we too were suddenly bigger and ready to take on anything.
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